Introduction | Presentations | Concept Map | Excel | Images | WebPages | iMovie | Conclusion


At the beginning of this semester, I was a student who knew very little about computers, especially Macintosh computers. I had a laptop P.C. at home, but had never before used a Macintosh. I was also very curious to learn about other computer programs besides the Microsoft office programs that I was familiar with. I made it my goal for the semester to learn how to use Mac's and become proficient at using them and other programs. It was also my goal to learn more about technology in general and begin to learn some ways that it can be applied to education. Educational Technology plays a big role in the lives of students today and though this course, I hoped to learn how to use more forms of technology and begin to experiment with how to use those technologies in todays classrooms.


This presentation is about 3 different types of learning theories. It goes over the Behaviorism, Constructivism, and Cognitivism learning theories. Click here to see my presentation titled "Learning Theories."

Concept Map

My first concept map is about Educational Technology in the classroom. Click here to see my concept map.

This concept map shows the different types of educational software and gives the definition and advantages for each type. Click here to see my concept map.

This concept map is a combination of the concept maps that my partner and I created individually on educational software. It defines each type of software and gives many advantages to that type of software. This concept map also includes links and a picture to show an example of a type of educational software. Click here to see my concept map.


This is my first gradebook in excel. It shows my students grades on 4 tests, their averages, and a bar graph and pie graph to show what my students are acomplishing. Click here to see my excel chart.


Click the image above to see my first Photoshop graphic (the Practice Photoshop graphic). The graphic includes images of different types of sports shoes.

Click the image above to see my first original Photoshop grapic (my second Photoshop graphic ever created). This is an educational graphic that was created by me and illustrated Los colores, or the colors, in Spanish using different colored butterflies.


Click here to see my first WebQuest (the Practice WeQuest) on Educational Technology. It includes information about educational technology and links to ISTE and AECT.

Click here to see my first original WebQuest (my second WebQuest ever created). The WebQuest teaches about 3rd grade-aged children how to mix colors using the color wheel. The website inculdes links to 3 other webpages, one of which is an activity to practice mixing colors on the computer. It is a very informative page with class activites and a grading rubric for the assignments in the WebQuest.

Click here to see the web page on Internet Free Resources that I created for my Web Design Quiz


Click here to view my first iMovie titled, Types of Butterflies. This iMovie is about 3 different types of butterflies.

Click here to view my iMovie called Mixing Our Colors Through Egg Dying. This iMovie is used as an instructional video for an assignment that involves dying hardboiled eggs. The students in the class that this video is designed for are in the process of learning how to mix primary colors to get secondary colors and are practicing this through an egg dying assignment. The steps for this assignment are illustrated in this iMovie.


As you can see by the content of this website, my goals for this semester were surpassed for this course. I am now very comfortable using machintosh computers and am familiar with programs such as Microsoft Powerpoint, Microsoft Excel, Dreamweaver, Adobe Photoshop, and iMovie. I have created my own origional graphics, websites, WebQuests, and iMovies and am very proud of my work. I also have become much more familiar with the technology that is used in education today and began to experiment with how to use that technology in todays classrooms. I created my own lesson plan that integrated technology that I created into it and have come a long way since the beginning of the semester. I definately met my goals for this course and am very excited to continue using technology in all of my endevors.


Sara Dittmar
Last Modified: April 25, 2006